
30 August 2019


vuoi essere dei nostri?

The increasing demand for performance combined with a growing trend towards certified functional safety, has led Serialpicker to solvemore and more often problems for which traditional actuators do not find space.

Many different projects are being developed in various fields, and to be present in the support of customers and potential customers we need to strengthen our sales force.

We are therefore looking for competent and passionate MULTIFIRM AGENTS AND DEALERS who like to navigate in the field of automation and robotics.

We are looking for people who are completely at ease in enthusiastically interfacing with potential customers, but also eager to learn about a product as innovative as it is practical, that any good passionate commercial technician would like to have among his top products.

Thinking about it is a great opportunity.


What do you say we go deeper? Write to us by filling out this form!

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About Massimiliano Milan
Massimiliano is an enthusiastic and passionate fan of snowboarding, technology, automation and robotics, in this precise order. Co-founder of Omas srl, he has 30 years of experience in the automation field.